
Loctite 542

LOCTITE® 542 is designed for the locking and sealing of metal pipes and fittings as well as other cylindrical metal assemblies. The product cures when confined in the absence of air between close-fitting metal surfaces and prevents loosening and leakage due to shock and vibration. The thixotropic nature of LOCTITE 542 reduces the migration of liquid product after application to the part.

  • For Fine Threads
  • Max Thread Size –3/4”
  • 150oC Service Temperature
  • Ideal for hydraulic, pneumatic and general fittings
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  • Prevents leakage: It fills all gaps between the mating threads and cures into a hard thermoset plastic that provides 100% seal
  • Does not clog downstream filters in hydraulic and pneumatic systems as unused adhesive gets washed away
  • Easy to disassemble with standard hand tools as medium strength product
  • Seals pipe joint against corrosion
Tech Specifications
Maximum thread size 3/4″
Temperature Resistance 150oC
Maximum Pressure Resistance (N/mm2) 10,000 psi (68.9)
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